Volunteer of the Month – Hannah Norman

2021-05-20T17:42:11-04:00July 21st, 2015|Tags: , , |

Hannah is the second from the right. Peace Learning Center would like to recognize Hannah Norman as volunteer of the month!   Hannah joined Peace Learning Center to help with our welcome desk as a welcoming face to all who visit PLC!  She also helps with various other projects around the office and summer youth programming.  Jay Horan, our volunteer and intern coordinator, has worked very closely with Hannah and said, "Hannah is the perfect person for our welcome desk.  She is kind, positive and always welcoming everyone with a smile!  Not only that but she has been a huge help around the office and doesn't mind jumping into projects and giving it her all.  She has been a joy to have around this summer!" Thank you Hannah for everything you have done for our organization.  We are very grateful to have you on our team!