February’s PLC News – Do you choose fear or love?

2021-05-20T17:43:01-04:00February 24th, 2014|Tags: , , |

LOVE is what we were born with. FEAR is what we learned here. - Marianne Williamson - Yet another Valentine's Day has come and gone this year, but love is still in the air this month (at least it is here at PLC) which is why we decidedĀ  it was worth pondering LOVE and, its evil step sister, FEAR. Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower people to live peacefully which is why love and fear are so important for us to consider. After all, it is very hard to live in peace when you are living in fear.So, in this issue of the Peace Learning News, we will explore the power of both love and fear while also sharing tips and new program opportunities with you that will help bring more peace and love into your life. Click here to view our February 2014 edition of the PLC News.