Meet Heidi Fledderjohn, Facilitator/Coordinator

2022-11-04T15:45:43-04:00November 4th, 2022|Tags: |

Let’s start with the easy stuff – give us a sample of your professional background and experience. For 30 years, I have worked in mind/body medicine and mental health, honing tools and techniques that combine movement, meditation, creativity and psychological practices to midwife change.I am a Board Certified Dance/movement Therapist, Registered Yoga Teacher and Distinctive Meditation coach. I received my MA form Goucher College. I am honored to have studied to become a meditation teacher with Lorin Roche and Camille Maureen. I maintain a private practice working with individuals inIndianapolis, Indiana and offer virtual sessions to clients worldwide. My work flows between midwifing the deep intimacies of personal change, and facilitating large scale projects that bring divergent communities together on the common ground of play and beauty. In 2013, I was honored with an invitation to be a TEDx speaker and to teach at the prestigious TEDActive conference in Palm Springs in 2014 as well as create an experiential art instillation for TEDx Indianapolis. It was a thrill to share this community building piece called “The Third Thing" with the TED community. In 2018, I pioneered and founded a creative arts therapy department for Ascension, St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis a program that weaves art, music and dance/movement therapy for the healing of staff, patients and families. I am a published author and researcher who has written about imagination and the power of vulnerability. What brought