Celebrating the Service of James Taylor

2021-05-20T17:41:38-04:00January 25th, 2018|Tags: , |

Retiring after 20 Years James Taylor, better known to friends and family as JT, has been a staple of Peace Learning Center from the very beginning. In the early days, when PLC was teeming with AmeriCorps members he numbered among those serving in the Peace Education crew that helped to host every 4th Grade Indianapolis Public School student. Believe it or not, it wasn’t as easy as you would have guessed to get him on the team. Tim Nation relates this story: “When JT first started, he told us his friend Omar had urged him to apply for months and he ignored him because he thought he was saying the Indianapolis Peace Center, a local anti-war advocacy group. Once he learned we were located inside Eagle Creek Park and working with kids he knew right away this was the place for him. It was somewhat of a homecoming since JT had worked at the tree farm on the north side of the park when he was younger.” If you know JT, you know that his friendly smile, comforting hugs, and ability to strike up a conversation with anyone make him easily loved by all who meet him. It wasn't long before it was a daily occurrence for a child to stick their peace sign into the air proclaiming, 'Hey, Peace Man!" whenever they saw him in public. JT found himself drawn to programming that served the sometimes most vulnerable