The Mindful Path – A New Resource for Teachers

2021-05-20T17:42:44-04:00August 26th, 2014|Tags: , |

Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! In this week’s post, I want to tell you about a great new mindfulness resource for teachers. It’s the book, “Teach Breathe Learn” by Meena Srinivasan. Here is a link to the author’s web site, where you can view a short video trailer that presents the book: Other resources are also available here. The book is arranged in three parts: Practicing Mindfulness, Sharing Mindfulness, and Mindfulness as a Learned Skill: A Curriculum for Mindful Educators. If you want to learn more about how to integrate Social and Emotional Learning into your teaching practice, you will want to find out more about this book. However, what makes this book even more useful is that its teachings can also be applied in personal and professional life outside the classroom. To virtually look inside the book, click here: I continue to learn from the program in “Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World,” where I’m spending some extra time on Week Four. I’m getting a lot out of examining how my interpretation of events can lead to negative emotions when I’m not practicing mindfulness. I have also incorporated a beginner’s yoga class into my regular exercise routine. This is greatly assisting my mindfulness practice by helping me to slow down and pay attention while the poses are also enhancing my strength and fitness. Please feel free to leave any comments or