MLK Sponsor Thanks

2021-05-20T17:42:28-04:00January 16th, 2015|Tags: , |

      We have many sponsors to thank for making the 17th Annual MLK Community Festival possible. First, we’d like to thank Christian Theological Seminary for opening their beautiful building to the community. Next, we’d like to thank the Presenter of our 17th Annual MLK Community Festival – Whole Foods Market. Their support allowed us to offer the festival free to the public. National Bank of Indianapolis has been a long-time sponsor of this event. We are so grateful for their ongoing support and for stepping up as this year’s Panel on Peace sponsor. This year’s Panel on Peace will include four local leaders who will discuss the topic "Creating a Culture of Peace: Celebrating All Things Indy". The panel will be moderated by Peace Learning Center’s own John McShane, director of community programs. This year's in-kind media sponsors, NUVO and Indy's Child, have been instrumental in spreading the word about this wonderful event! Duke Realty also showed their support for the festival this year as a Beloved Community sponsor which allows us to offer tabling space at a nominal fee to local nonprofits so they can share their resources with you and invite you to join them in their missions to create a better community. Duke Realty has also been a wonderful partner to Peace Learning Center by providing volunteers who’ve helped us in many ways. In fact, one of the festival's workshop presenters – Myra Dworski has