Summer Adventures

2021-05-20T17:42:17-04:00May 19th, 2015|Tags: , |

Even adults have fun during summer programs at PLC! While summer camp opportunities might be declining for many children, there are still so many unique summer camps and other adventures at PLC and beyond that await exploration! Click here to read an Indy Star article featuring 45 local camps for your kids to enjoy! Or, if you're up for an adventure this summer, be sure to to read this article about 12 Adult Summer Camps that will Awaken your Inner Child. I remember going to summer camp and dreading it when I was a child. Camp was the same thing every day.... arts and crafts, taking a hike, playing tag, eating a peanut butter or bologna sandwich and a banana for lunch, and then "hanging out" with volunteers watching over us, or "babysitting," until the day ended. Summer at the Peace Learning Center. Wow, how times have changed! They make me wish I could have a "do over". So much to do, so much to see, so much to learn!! Summer at the PLC..... I love the sound of those words as much as I love to hear the buses and vans pull into our parking lot. Excited youth get off the bus, ready for a day of fun. The hustle and bustle of it all. Enthusiastic voices and laughter ring through the building as youth participate in learning activities, nature hikes and more. There is nothing quite