Volunteer of the Month – February

2021-05-20T17:41:46-04:00February 23rd, 2017|Tags: , , |

Maria Ruiz is our Volunteer of the Month. Maria has been interning with our Youth Programs for the past year and has had a huge impact on the youth she serves. Natalie Spriggs, Youth Programs Director, has worked closely with Maria and says, "Maria has been such a joy to work with. She is now one of our meditation experts in teaching children how to take peace breaths and meditate. She has a wonderful calming effect on children. She is out in our schools doing restorative practices each week, as well as at Peace Learning Center helping lead field trips for schools that visit us. We truly could not do the work we do without her!"   Maria, thank you for everything you have done for our organization. We are very grateful to have you on our team.