Volunteer of the Month – Ghemaiya

2021-05-20T17:42:08-04:00September 10th, 2015|Tags: , , |

Ghemaiya has been with Peace Learning Center for two summers now and she has become a huge part of the PLC family!  She has spent the past two summers volunteering her talents as a facilitator for our youth summer programs.   Tiffany Tibbot, a member of our youth team, has worked closely with Ghemaiya and said,  "Ghemayia is a reliable and timely volunteer that Peace Learning Center can truly depend upon. Her willingness to learn new skills and pick up on them easily has benefited her greatly in her ability to adapt to changing environments. All this, combined with her absolutely infectious personality makes Ghemaiya a great youth worker!"  Ghemaiya is in center with pink sweater Thank you Ghemaiya for everything you have done for our organization. We are very grateful to have you on our team!