The Mindful Path – Mindfulness for Community Improvement

2021-05-20T17:42:09-04:00August 4th, 2015|Tags: , , |

Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! In this post, I’d like to share information about Tamarack, a nonprofit in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada that “develops and supports learning communities that help people to collaborate, co-generate knowledge and achieve collective impact on complex community issues.” The web site is here: Tamarack offers three learning communities: • Communities Collaborating for Impact (Leading Collaboratively) • Vibrant Communities Canada (Poverty Reduction Strategies) • Deepening Community At the main web site, you’ll find links to additional sites for each of the learning communities. There are many, fine organizations around the world providing excellent services that encourage taking mindful action. Our own Peace Learning Center serves as a wonderful example of such an organization that makes a difference in the community. No matter where you live or work, I encourage you to think of the community where you live. In the context of Tamarack’s learning communities, where might there be opportunities for you to get involved in activities to support positive action in leading collaboratively, reducing poverty, or deepening community? If you live in the greater Indianapolis area, the annual Get On Board event is coming up on October 5. What’s Get On Board? It’s an opportunity to find out about area nonprofits looking for individuals who want to serve as board members or in other volunteer capacities. If you want to find out more, please see the site here: There are so many ways