The Mindful Path – Find More Joy

2021-05-20T17:42:54-04:00May 13th, 2014|Tags: , , |

Hello again from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson!  In this Mindful Path post, I want to tell you about three writing exercises you can do to create more joy in your life by practicing mindfulness.  The good part is that the exercises are easy to do.  The challenge is to remember to do the first two exercises on a daily basis, and the third exercise on a weekly basis.  Eventually, if you get in the habit of doing the exercises, they will become a welcome part of your regular routine. To help us explore this topic, I’m referencing details from the wonderful book, “The Joy of Appreciative Living” by Jacqueline (Jackie) Kelm. Doing the Exercises The first exercise is to write a Daily Appreciation List where you list three things for which you are grateful.  The second exercise is to answer the Daily Question, which is “What one thing could I do today, no matter how small, that would increase my joy?”  The Weekly Visioning Exercise is the third part, where you tap into your vision to imagine that you have achieved your ideal, joy-filled life.  Once a week, spend fifteen minutes writing down all the details you can identify that represent this ideal experience. A few years ago, I began a practice of completing exercises one and two on a daily basis.  I’ve found this reflection to be very useful because it enhances my awareness of what I’m experiencing, helping