Exploring Nature


Taking a peace hike is one of the most anticipated activities for the hundreds of children who visit us at our home in Eagle Creek Park each summer for our Peacebuilders Camp program. For many, it’s their only chance to get outside and explore nature each year. We have even heard our campers say, “Is that the ocean?” as they gaze at the reservoir. 

 According to Richard Louv who wrote the book “Last Child in the Woods,” nature deficit disorder is the psychological, physical, and cognitive costs of human alienation from nature which is especially detrimental for children in their developing years. Time spent in nature – even a walk through trees in an urban park – can have a positive impact on mental and physical health and enhance learning. Exposure to nature can improve resistance to negative stresses and depression. And the protective impact of nearby nature is strongest for the most vulnerable children – those experiencing the highest levels of stress from overwhelming life events.

 So, we hope you’ll make some time to get your children outside and encourage them to enjoy the many benefits of nature. 

Learn more about Peace Learning Center programs by visiting our website atpeacelearningcenter.org/what-we-do/