mindfulpicHello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! In my own mindful path, I’ve found some very helpful resources that I use to understand mindfulness and how to practice it most effectively in my life. Two of them are featured in this post.

In their reviews of top 2014 content on their sites, Mindful.org and the Greater Good Science Center at University of California, Berkeley have provided great resources that are worth exploring.

Here’s a link to the top stories of 2014 in the Mindful.org newsletter:


Clicking on the link above will take you to a number of stories including these topics:

• 7 Things Mindful People Do Differently and How to Get Started
• Mindfulness Meditation: How To Do It
• Feeling Overwhelmed? Remember “RAIN”

Here is a link to the Top 10 Insights from the “Science of a Meaningful Life” in 2014 from the Greater Good Science Center:


Clicking on the link above will take you to some excellent insights that include these topics:

• Mindfulness can reduce racial prejudice—and possibly its effects on victims
• It’s possible to teach gratitude to young children with lasting effects
• Having more variety in our emotions—positive or negative—can make us happier and healthier

If you’re wanting to find out more about mindfulness or to enhance a mindfulness practice that you already have, the resources above are very helpful. From the links above, you can also access lots of additional content at each site.

If you have any questions or feedback, you can either leave your comments below or send them to me directly at mindfulpath@outlook.com

Here’s to a great, mindful 2015!