
Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! In this last month of the quarter, we’ll finish up a quick exploration of the topic Mindfulness in Education.

An amazing source for wonderful resources on mindfulness in schools is https://www.mindfulschools.org/. If you want to find out more about how to bring mindfulness into your own life or to share it with children in our schools, this is a must-see web site.

The “Take a Course” tab features information about courses on Mindfulness Fundamentals and Curriculum Training. If you’re interested in taking these courses, financial assistance is available.

The “About Mindfulness” tab defines mindfulness, and also includes research, stories from classrooms, and mindfulness exercises.

The “Resources” tab includes a blog, a sample lesson, newsletter archives, and other helpful items. There are also a couple of videos posted at this tab that emphasize the importance of mindfulness for students in the classroom.

I hope you have a chance to view the Mindful Schools site and enjoy the great variety of resources provided. I know that I was inspired and want to explore participating in the two courses offered. If the site also resonates with you, please share your comments in the space below.

Here’s to a great, mindful June! I look forward to sharing more information with you in my next post.