
Hello from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson! Today, May 5, is National Teacher Day, a part of National Teacher Appreciation Week. This is a great event to note as part of my focus in the blog this quarter is on mindfulness in education.

I write this post in honor of my stepfather, Fred Huston, who taught middle-school math and science. He passed away about 15 years ago and did not teach in a particularly mindful time or place. However, he taught me something about mindful awareness that I’ll never forget. Many times, he told me to pay attention and “read” other people to find out what they were thinking and feeling.

Although he didn’t know it, my stepfather did me a great service by encouraging me to think about mindfulness at a young age. I have carried this wisdom into my adult life, where by taking the time to practice social awareness (a core competency of Social and Emotional Learning), I frequently benefit.

I wanted to draw your attention to mindfulness educator Susan Kaiser Greenland’s site here: https://www.susankaisergreenland.com. At this site, you’ll find a wealth of helpful information including video clips. Ms. Greenland is the founder of the Inner Kids Program, which teaches mindfulness to children through awareness of the inner and outer experience. She is also author of the book, “The Mindful Child.” Here’s a link where you can find out more about the book: https://ow.ly/MyECF. If you are a parent or teacher who wants to share mindfulness with children, this book could be a very useful resource.

This week (and always!), take advantage of the opportunity to support teachers, who have one of the most important jobs ever. If they are using mindful practices as part of helping our children to learn and live up to their potential, the benefits can be even greater.

If you have any questions or comments, please type them in the box below. I look forward to seeing you again in my next post on The Mindful Path.