Hello again from guest blogger, Lisa Robinson!  This week, let’s talk more about Social and Emotional Learning, or SEL.  Implementation of SEL programs in various schools has helped students to better manage themselves and how they interact with others, increasing their ability to learn more effectively in school and to be more successful in life.  I don’t think it’s possible to be too enthusiastic about this.

CfClogoOne organization, Committee for Children, is a nonprofit working globally to promote social and academic success.  They’ve produced a couple of excellent videos about their work in Chicago, and in Austin, TX.  Click on the links below to view the two videos:

Chicago: Pioneers in Social-Emotional Learning

Austin ISD: A District Embracing SEL

Here is a link to resources that Committee for Children has available for parents and caregivers who want to support SEL in their children:  Resources

What can you do if your children aren’t in Chicago or Austin?  

  • In greater Indianapolis, the Peace Learning Center makes a difference through their work with children/area schools and with their involvement in the community.  You can find out more on this site by clicking on “What We Do” or by using “Contact Us” to ask any questions you may have.

Where can you find out about additional resources that parents or teachers may find helpful?

  • For young children from birth through age five, many comprehensive resources are available at the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning.  https://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/index.html
  • For comprehensive information, see the Collaboration for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) at https://www.casel.org/ . If you have any doubts about the importance of SEL, details are available on the CASEL site about applicable research that shows how children benefit from improving their competency in SEL.

July: Mindfulness Book Exploration

From my last post, I wanted to remind you that starting in July, I’ll be leading an exploration of the book, “Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World.”  If you want to learn about mindfulness and how to use it, please join me in this program.  You can either borrow a copy of the book from a library or purchase a copy.

If you have any questions or feedback, please either comment here or feel free to contact me directly at mindfulpath@outlook.com

I’ll be back in touch soon in my next post.   Have a great week!