Another school year is coming to a close and ‘Weekly Tribes’ is going to take a summer vacation.

Here are some suggestions to celebrate the end of a great school year with your students and staff…

  • Draw names and make a certificate for that fellow student or staff member.  Get some wallpaper samples to make for some interesting design choices.  Certificates can be heartfelt, awards, notable achievements, and just for fun.
  • Have your students compose an “I used to be (not know…) and Now I am (know)” poem and then combine the statements for an introduction to your next year class.
  • Take some time in community circle to celebrate…with pictures, drawings, little fun writing assignments about the beginning of the year to the end.
  • Reflect-reflect-reflect.
  • If you are really ambitious, take the time to write a thank-you card to every one of your students.
  • Have a party and have each student bring some thing to eat that they can prove to be educational – example – phyllo dough in the shape of an open book with chocolate syrup as the writing on the pages?!
  • Have each student pick a teacher from the past and write that teach a thank-you note.  (You will make their day!)
  • Have an ‘Energizer Fest’ with students doing to facilitation.
  • Make a ‘Dream Quilt’ about experiences of things learned this year and you have a lovely wall decorated to start next year.

See you in August!